Quickstart Guide


Welcome to the CNF Reference Architecture quickstart guide. This guide provides the quick guidance to run a sample containerized networking application in a Kubernetes cluster, which is comprised of AArch64 machines.

This reference solution is targeted for a networking software development or performance analysis engineer with in-depth Kubernetes and networking knowledge, but does not know AArch64 architecture necessarily.

Mastering knowledge on certain open source projects, e.g., Ansible, Kubernetes, DPDK, will help gain deeper understanding of this guide and the reference solution more easily.

By following the steps in this quickstart guide to the end, you will set up a single-node Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes controller and Application Pods are deployed on a single AArch64 machine. The DPDK L3 forward sample application is deployed in the Application Pod. The application receives and forwards the packets based on the destination IP address using a single port. The single-node Kubernetes cluster topology is shown as below.


Single-node Kubernetes cluster topology

The topology diagram above illustrates the major components of the deployment and their relationship.

  • DUT (Device Under Test), is the only AArch64 machine in single-node Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes controller and Application Pods run on this machine.

  • DPDK L3 forwarding application, implements L3 networking function in software and forwards packets per their destination IP address.

  • TG (Traffic Generator), generates and sends packets to the AArch64 machine’s NIC card via the Ethernet cable. It can be hardware TG, e.g., IXIA chassis, or software TG running on regular server, e.g., TRex, DPDK Pktgen, Scapy.

  • Management Node, can be any bare-metal machine, VM, or container. It is used to download the project source code, login to the DUT to create the Kubernetes cluster and deploy the application.

Hardware Setup

This guide requires the following setup:


Required hardware setup

  1. DUT is an AArch64 architecture machine and the only node in Kubernetes cluster. NIC card is plugged in its PCIe slot to connect the traffic generator via Ethernet cable.

Hardware Minimum Requirements

The DUT has the following hardware requirements:

  • AArch64 v8 CPU

  • Minimum 1GHz and 4 CPU cores

  • DPDK compatible NIC

  • Connection to the internet to download and install packages

  • Minimum 8G of RAM

  • Support 1G Hugepages

Software Minimum Requirements

The following items are expected of the DUT’s software environment.

  • DUT is running Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal)

  • Admin (root) privileges are required to setup the DUT

  • The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the DUT can be checked with python3 -c 'import socket; print(socket.getfqdn())' command. See FAQ if the proper FQDN is not shown.

  • PCIe address of the NIC port attached to the traffic generator is confirmed with sudo lshw -C network -businfo

  • CPU cores are isolated via isolcpus, nohz_full, rcu_nocbs, cpuidle.off, cpufreq.off Linux command line parameters. See FAQ for more details.

  1. Management node can be any bare-metal, VM, or container. The management node is used to download the repository, access the DUT via ssh and configure Kubernetes cluster by executing an Ansible playbook. The Ansible playbook is executed locally on management node and it configures the DUT via ssh.

Software Minimum Requirements

  • Can execute Ansible

  • Can ssh into the DUT using SSH keys. See FAQ for more details.

  • Admin (root) or sudo privileges are required

  1. TG can be any traffic generator capable of generating IP packets.

Tested Platforms

The steps described in this quickstart guide have been validated on the following platforms.



  • Mellanox ConnectX-5

    • OFED driver: MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5.4-

    • Firmware version: 16.30.1004 (MT_0000000013).

  • Intel X710

    • Firmware version: 6.01


To use Mellanox NIC, install OFED driver, update and configure NIC firmware by following the guidance in FAQ.

Management Node

  • Ubuntu 20.04 system

    • Python 3.8

    • Ansible 6.5.0


Management Node

Management node needs to install dependencies, e.g., git, curl, python3.8, pip, Ansible, repo. Follow below guidelines on Ubuntu 20.04.

  1. Make sure sudo is available and install git, curl, python3.8, python3-pip, python-is-python3 by executing

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install git curl python3.8 -y
    $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip python-is-python3 -y
  2. Install ansible by executing

    $ sudo python3 -m pip install ansible==6.5.0


Install the ansible and not the ansible-core package, as this solution makes use of community packages not included in the ansible-core python package.

  1. Configure git with your name and email address

    $ git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
    $ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
  2. Follow the instructions provided in git-repo to install the repo tool manually

  3. Follow the FAQ to setup SSH keys on the management node


Complete below steps by following the suggestions provided.

  1. Follow the FAQ to setup DUT with isolated CPUs, and 1G hugepages.

  2. Update NIC firmware and drivers by following the guidance in the FAQ.

Download Source Code

Unless mentioned specifically, all operations in this section are executed on management node.

Create a new folder that will be the workspace, henceforth referred to as <nw_cra_workspace> in these instructions:

mkdir <nw_cra_workspace>
cd <nw_cra_workspace>
export NW_CRA_RELEASE=refs/tags/NW-CRA-2022.12.30


Sometimes new features and additional bug fixes are made available in the git repositories, but are not tagged yet as part of a release. To pick up these latest changes, remove the -b <release tag> option from the repo init command below. However, please be aware that such untagged changes may not be formally verified and should be considered unstable until they are tagged in an official release.

To clone the repository, run the following commands:

repo init \
    -u https://git.gitlab.arm.com/arm-reference-solutions/arm-reference-solutions-manifest.git \
    -b ${NW_CRA_RELEASE} \
    -m cnf-reference-arch.xml
repo sync

Create Single Node Cluster

Unless mentioned specifically, all operations henceforth are executed on management node.

Create Ansible Inventory File

The Ansible playbooks in this repository are easiest to use with inventory files to keep track of the cluster nodes. For this solution we need one inventory file.

A template inventory.ini is provided at <nw_cra_workspace>/cnf-reference-arch/inventory.ini with the following contents:

<fqdn> ansible_user=<remote_user>

<fqdn> ansible_user=<remote_user> pcie_addr=<pcie_addr_from_lshw> dpdk_driver=<vfio-pci>

Replace <fqdn> with the FQDN of the DUT. The same FQDN should be used for both [controller] and [worker] as this is a single-node setup.

<remote_user> specifies the user name to use to login to the DUT.

Replace <pcie_addr_from_lshw> with the PCIe address of the port on the DUT connected to the traffic generator.

If the DUT uses Mellanox ConnectX-5 NIC to connect the traffic generator, replace <driver-name> with mlx5_core. Otherwise, replace it with vfio-pci.

As an example, if the user name used to access DUT is user1, the DUT FQDN is dut.arm.com and is connected to the traffic generator on PCIe address 0000:06:00.1 with a NIC compatible with the vfio-pci driver, then inventory.ini would contain:

dut.arm.com ansible_user=user1

dut.arm.com ansible_user=user1 pcie_addr=0000:06:00.1 dpdk_driver=vfio-pci

Execute the Playbook

To setup the Kubernetes cluster, run:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini create-cluster.yaml -K

It will start by asking for the sudo password of the user name on DUT (the prompt may say BECOME password instead). If remote user has passwordless sudo on DUT, the -K flag can be omitted.

See the user guide for the full list of actions this playbook will take.

Validate the Cluster

At this point in time, the setup should look like the Single-node Kubernetes cluster topology at the beginning of this document. The DUT should be in a Kubernetes cluster and running a private docker registry.

To verify, ssh into the DUT and run kubectl get nodes. The output should look like:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME            STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
dut.arm.com     Ready    control-plane   24m   v1.24.2

Also run kubectl describe node $(hostname) | grep -A 5 ^Allocatable: to ensure allocatable CPUs and 1G hugepages are correct. The output should look like:

$ kubectl describe node $(hostname) | grep -A 5 ^Allocatable:
arm.com/dpdk:       2
cpu:                3
ephemeral-storage:  189217404206
hugepages-1Gi:      1Gi

Finally, verify the local docker registry is running with: docker ps -f name=registry. The output should look like:

$ docker ps -f name=registry
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE        COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS          PORTS                            NAMES
53656144b298   registry:2   "/entrypoint.sh /etc…"   46 hours ago   Up 33 minutes>443/tcp, 5000/tcp   registry

Run the Sample Application


Now, it is time to apply the dpdk-l3fwd.yaml Ansible playbook. To do so, run the following commands:

$ cd <nw_cra_workspace>/cnf-reference-arch/examples/dpdk-l3fwd
$ ansible-playbook -i ../../inventory.ini dpdk-l3fwd.yaml

See the dpdk-l3fwd user guide for the full list of actions this playbook will take.

Once the playbook finishes, ssh into the DUT and deploy the DPDK L3 forwarding application with dpdk-deployment.yaml file which is copied and stored in DUT home directory:

$ cd $HOME
$ kubectl apply -f dpdk-deployment.yaml

Check deployment status with command:

$ kubectl get deploy
dpdk   1/1     1            1           74s


Monitor the application pod status by running kubectl get pods on the DUT. It may take some time to start up.

kubectl get pods should show something like:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dpdk-9d8474bd8-xl7kk   1/1     Running   0          6s

Once the pod is in the “Running” state, view its logs with kubectl logs <podname>.

The logs should contain something similar to:

$ kubectl logs dpdk-9d8474bd8-xl7kk
Initializing port 0 ... Creating queues: nb_rxq=1 nb_txq=1...
Address:98:03:9B:71:24:2E, Destination:02:00:00:00:00:00, Allocated mbuf pool on socket 0
LPM: Adding route / 24 (0) [0001:01:00.0]
LPM: Adding route 2001:200:: / 64 (0) [0001:01:00.0]

These logs show port 0 has MAC address 98:03:9B:71:24:2E with PCIe address 0001:01:00.0 on the DUT. 1 IPv4 route matching the subnet is added.

Configure the traffic generator to send packets to the NIC port, using the MAC and IP address displayed in the logs. In this example, use a destination MAC address of 98:03:9B:71:24:2E and a destination IP of Then, dpdk-l3fwd will forward those packets out on port 0.


The pods can be stopped by deleting the deployment by running kubectl delete deploy dpdk on the DUT. Then, clean up the Kubernetes cluster by executing sudo kubeadm reset -f and sudo rm -rf /etc/cni/net.d on the DUT.